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Animal-Assisted Therapy & Traditional Counselling

" Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened."
                                                                                                                               â€• Anatole France

Learn more About the
Mental Health Services we Provide


What kind of animals are used?

There is a wide spectrum of animals used in AAT, all with different needs and abilities. Each animal possesses different characteristics, personalities, and experiences. Each animal is viewed and respected as being able to perceive and feel a variety of emotions. The animal is therefore not viewed as a “tool” in therapy, but as an assistant or co-facilitator;  we welcome their spontaneous behaviours as they provide opportunities and innumerable benefits to the therapeutic process. They can assist children and adolescents in the areas of physical, social, emotional, psychological, and cognitive functioning. 

HOH THERAPY ANIMALS: Horses, miniature horses, dogs, cats, geese, chickens, goats, and sheep.

What does the therapy look like?

Therapeutic activities are wide, varied, and dependant on the clinician, and their theoretical orientation & training. Our AAT program is a *non-riding* program, and activities include but are not limited to: grooming, leading, feeding, obstacles, round-pen exercises, mindfulness, and art-based activities. 

We also offer group counsellling for children, seniors, and adults with disabilities.


What ages of clients do you accept?

We accept clients 7 years+  for animal-assisted therapy at the ranch. If you have a child younger than that, we suggest you reach out to to schedule an office-based session ( 

  • Children 7yrs+

  • Adolescents

  • Adults

  • Seniors

  • Families

What if I want to attend counselling at your ranch but I'm not interested in working with animals?

Many people come to the ranch for mental health services because of the private nature of the property.

The therapists who contract with HOH Ranch also provide office-based sessions; there is both an office and cabin on site.

  • EMDR (trauma therapy)

  • Person-Centered Counselling

  • Parenting Consults

  • Play therapy (children 7yrs+)

  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy


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